Baktrilon and Baktrilon-A preparations are innovative in-house products developed by LLC Tristan TMA for sugar and ethanol industries.
Enzyme preparations
Enzyme preparations
According to experts' opinions, there is a steadily growing tendency towards the use of enzyme preparations in the food industry, mostly in the ethanol industry.
Healthy nutrition
Healthy nutrition
Polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids are an important and irreplaceable component for human health. One can obtain these acids only with food.
LLC Tristan TMA is a dynamically developing diversified firm.
Our company pays due attention to quality and customer service, innovation, and open and informal corporate culture in achieving the optimal result.
In 2016, Tristan TMA has launched its several in-house products on the Ukrainian market registered as NATURAL HELPER™ and BAKTRILON™. The products are based on newest research and development innovations, unique in Ukraine and abroad.
We hope that our information will help in promoting your business.
TMA Tristan
is founded in 2003.
Safety and quality
We create and implement innovative solutions to improve the quality of products.
Primary products
Components and primary products correspond to safety requirements and have been duly certified.
Always in stock
All our products are in actual stock and available for purchase.
Our partners